Monday, January 28

Mr Krabs

I wanted to eat Tomyam at Sukhumvit. We arrived there a bit late, at around 1.30am. They informed us that kitchen is already closed. So, we went to the nearby option, Chop N Steak (a.k.a Kapal).

I ordered Crab Mix Sizzling. It taste similarly like Cantonese yee mee, with additional flavor of the crab. I always love lotsa seafood and vege.

Adik Joe had Beef Rice Sizzling - with generous amount of beef I must say :)
And Kimi chose the simplest meal - chicken chop.

Coconut drink - wish its sweeter.

And my thought: This restaurant will take orders up to 2am. So if you happen to be hungry at 1.45am and you're in Kampung Baru, do give a visit!

Chop N Steak
No 14 Jalan Daud
Kampung Baru
50300 Kuala Lumpur

Crab Mix Sizzling RM10.50
Beef Rice Sizzling RM8.50
Chicken Chop RM8.90
Thai Honey Coconut RM4.00


  1. whau! sedapnye! slurppp!!! tapi aku gerun tgk ketam tu...macam hidup lagi je....

    1. Nampak cam dia tengah merangkak pegi kat yee mee kan? Hihihi. Aku ni order je pandai. Lepas tu Kimi lah jadik mangsa tukang korek isi ketam kasik kakak.

  2. hahaha!! aku pon tak pandai korek ketam...tapi rugi pulak kalau tak makan...hendak seribu daye....

  3. Tu lah pasal kan... Aku ni dah terover dimanjakan sangat. Extreme mengada. Hehehe. Tapi kalo makan sensorang, reti pulak :)
